Classroom Link Gallery
Please explore the collection below of classroom websites and resources. To explore each resource, click the icon above the website title.
Epic! Books for Kids
This is an online library for students to explore. Teachers are able to create collections that are assignable to the class. This database houses stories that can be read aloud to students, stories students can read themselves, and interactive videos relating to content present within some stories.
NASA Space Place
This website provides interactive and fun ways for students to learn about science subjects. Information provided is written in child-friendly language and combines cartoons with real-world pictures of the solar system. While geared more toward older students, the information and pictures on this website may be used in lessons and explorations for younger students.
Generation Genius
This website provides interactive and fun science and math videos on a range of topics. Videos and content are organized based on a range of grade levels. Included as well are do-it-yourself projects, lesson plans, and experiments to help support the knowledge present within each video.